Houttuynia cordata is a creepy parennial from south east Asia where it is popular vegetable, spice and medicine. Its variegated form called Chameleon Plant is popular in many regions of the world. And while many people from west, complain about how invasive this beautifull ground cover is in their gardens. People from Asia are enjoing its taste and health benefits just like those of its green-leaved sister. It is important herb in many tradicional medicine systems which is well indicated in its Japanese name Dokudami, that meanes ,,poison blocking plant''. Other names of this plant, like Fish Mint or Yu Xing Cao (''fish-smell-herb'' in Chinese) refer to its unique smell that may differ significantly according to conditions of growth and its ancestry. You may find descriptions of its aroma as fishy, orangy, lemony or cilantro like, and some people name it unpleasant. My advice is to try it yourself, and even if you won't like the taste remember about its vast health benefits.
Houttuynia cordata is parennial ground covering plant, spreading rapidly by its ground laying stems and rhizomes. It likes wet soil and grow well even partialy immersed in shalow waters. But unlike many water lowing plants it grow well on sandy ground and cope well with droughts. So if Your plant looks dead dry, just water it and wait untill it will grow back from its rhizomes. Also if You are growing it in cold climate don't worry if aboveground part of the plant looks dead after winter, rhizomes are hardy to aprox. -25'C. This herb adapt well to different conditions and can grow even in very poor soils and with different light volume. But variegated form looks pale (green) in strong shade, it is getting more vivid when exposed to stronger sunlight. With good conditions Houttuynia can be invasive, spreading strongly and threating to small plants, but it ussually not growing higher than 30cm. All parts of this plant are edible and can be harvested all year round (in cold winters you can gather only rhizomes). My advice is to pick it fresh straight before use, becouse especially leaves and stems are loseing its freshness quickly. But it can also be dried and storaged, for this purpose it should be harvested in summer while flowering. You can also grow this herb in pots indoors and have its fresh leaves all year round.
Leaves, stems and rhizomes of Houttuynia cordata are widely used in many tradicional cousines of south-east Asia, both fresh and cooked. It is used as an aromatic vegetable/spice and is added to salads, soups, stews, fish meals, curry dishes and stir-fries. Leaves can be fried in batter as a kind of Pakora. Herbal tea can be made from both dried and fresh Dokudami parts.
All parts of Houttuynia cordata plant are important herb known in many Asian tradicional medicine systems. It is detoxifing, antiviral (effective against SARS coronavirus, Dengue, Hand, foot, and mouth disease, Herpes simplex, and even HIV), antibacterial, antifungal, antitussive, mildly laxative, diuretic, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer and anti-alergic herb. It contain myrcene, limonen, alpha-pinene, camphene, sterols, polyphenols, flavonoids, querticin and anti-cancer alkaloids, many uniqe highly antiseptic chemical structures like 3-keto-dodecanol, methyl-nonyl-ketone and 2-nonyl-5-decanoyl-pyridine. It is also rich in potassium, magnesium and sodium.
Houttuynia decrease histamine release and is effective herb to use for alergies and asthma, it also stimulate immune system by stimulating production of lymphocyts. It is used to treat laryngitis, sinusitis and chronic ear infections, lyme dysease and bartonella, fevers, hangovers, indigestion, dysentery, stomach cramps, constipation, stomach ulcers, intestinal helminthic infections, measles and dysuria. Poultice from fresh herb and infusions to wash, are effective with herpes, hemorrhoids, boils, gout, rheumatism, insect bites, snakebites, inflammations and infectious skin diseases, also applied on site of a fracture to help bone development.
'' Herbal Emisaries : Bringing Chinese Herbs to the West'' - Steven Foster, Yue Chongxi,
Inner Tradictions/BEAR & Co 1992
''Chinese Materia Medica : Combinations and Aplications'' - Xu Li, Elsevier Health Sciences 2002
''Chromatografic Fingerprint Analysis of Herbal Medicines'' - Springer Verlag/Wien 2011
Thank you. Sounds great. After sanding a table which had mold spores on it, I got a very blocked ear and sinuses. This herb was in a mixture given to me by a local naturopath in Mullumbimby, Australia. Thank you for the information.
ReplyDeleteThank you for helping the public to learn of this amazing plant. Some of the studies on it can be seen here:
ReplyDeleteHOWEVER according to Stephen Harrod Buhners excellent book 'herbal Antivirals' the variegated & cultivated 'Chamelion Plant" you showcased is not as medicinal or potent as the original green Houttuynia Cordata plants.
Thank you for great link. It contain important note which I added to this article. That it was proved to be effective against SARS coronavirus, which is giving lot of hope for it to be also effective against COVID-19, or whatever evil viruses future brings.
DeleteThank you also for information about that green variety is said to be more potent than variegated, which I was always wondering about. Nevertheless I cured myself and other people many times with Chameleon from infections of stomach, flu and fevers, so I have no doubt it works too.
DeleteCan anyone recommend information sources for forms and dosage for cures? Adam, what did you use?
DeleteI've seen info that there are differences between leaves and rhizomes, but no details about what those differences are. Also, some articles discuss water extract, or ethanol extract - but no details about amounts or effectiveness. Thanks for any insights!
Can anyone recommend information sources for forms and dosage for cures? Adam, what did you use?
DeleteI've seen info that there are differences between leaves and rhizomes, but no details about what those differences are. Also, some articles discuss water extract, or ethanol extract - but no details about amounts or effectiveness. Thanks for any insights!
Houttuynia cordata belongs to those herbs that are generally safe and therefore it's doses can be set quite freely. That is why it is hard to find recommendation for it's dosage, as it is suitable for very individual approach.
DeleteFor stomach infections, fevers and coughs, I was always taking myself or giving to others the fresh leaves to eat fresh. At least 5 big leaves before meal or twice as much for those that prefer it with sandwiches to cover it's taste, which they didn't like. 3-5 times a day. My plants was Chameleon variety that was very potent, growing under strong sun. For plants from shady wet places, that had rapid growth and are therefore less pungent, I would recommend more.
If you have no access to life plants and can only buy dry Houttuynia, you can still consume it as a spice, just the same way like you sprinkle dried crushed oregano or basil on your food. But it might be easier for your guts to absorb more substances from it if you will drink infusion of it instead. If of good quality, than one full tablespoon should be enough for cup of boiled water. If it's smell is feeble, than you can put two spoons. Steep tightly covered so that it's essential oils won't evaporate, drink while still warm.
The only side effect I can think of, of consuming to much Houttuynia at one go is stomach upset. Like with all strongly antibacterial herbs, too much of it can kill also your good bacterial flora of guts, and that often lead to flatulence or diarrhoea. In addiction this herb is considered to act as mild laxative, but I only used it (with success) to stop diarrhea and not the other way, so can't say.
Alcohol extracts are surely the best way to preserve this herb's healing potency for long storage, but otherwise I don't see a need to make it.
Rhizomes might not work as strong when it comes to detoxification, as they lack chlorophyll and in case of Chameleon var. also other highly antioxidant pigments that leaves posses.
My garden is full of it. Plus I have 3 ponds that accommodate it so well. I've always loved the orangery smell. So very pleased it's a herb as it has found it's way into my herb and wildlife garden.
DeleteThankyou...just found your site, I will be doing more! Reading!
ReplyDeleteI have read your info and just bought some cuttings. It sounds amazing. Thanks
ReplyDeleteVery invasive and spreads quickly. Extremely hard to eradicate so I recommend growing it in pots.
ReplyDeleteI came from SE Asia and I grew up with it all my life. I never saw "vap ca" (fish mint) with that color but I saw another plant like that even in US. I think your pictures are incorrect. I have Vap Ca in my garden now and the leaves are just one solid green color. The stems on the other hand is green and purple.
ReplyDeleteWell,if you put it that way that only the green variety of Houttuynia cordata can be called real Vap Ca, then I'm not Vietnamese to judge on that. But if you are trying to tell me that photos that I've put here are not photos of Houttuynia cordata Variegata a.k.a. Chameleon. Then please make some efort to do any research before you wasting peoples time with such useless coments.
DeleteI accidentally have it in my garden and yes invasive. I don't have the pretty rainbow leaves that smell citrus, I have the all green one with the white flowers on too that stinks like rotting fish but yes I have heard they both have medical properties. Thanks for article, I'm going to share this.
DeleteAlso I like to add, if you never planted it and it all over your garden... there is a wild type of plant that very invasive (i do not know the name) and they look just like the pictures above. They are also spreading through the root.
ReplyDeleteReal Vap Ca should has that fishy taste with the slight sour taste to it.
Very informative. I thought it was just a ground cover.
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